None of the information available on this page constitutes legal advice. Contact Corey or another lawyer if you need legal advice.
- Activism / Advocacy
- National Lawyers Guild, Know Your Rights: A Guide for Protesters (2022)
- PETA, Effective Advocacy: Planning for Success (2021)
- International Center for Not-For-Profit Law, US Protest Law Tracker
- Books
- Will Potter, Green is the New Red (2011)
- Dara Lovitz, Muzzling a Movement (2010)
- Consumer Law
- DC Bar, Consumer Law Resource Center
- Organizations
- Employment
-, Employment (Employment Discrimination, Termination, Wage Claims, Criminal Records, Domestic Violence & Employment, Family and Medical Leave Act, Immigrants, Safety on the Job, Sexual Harassment, Ticket to Work, Unemployment Compensation, Workers Compensation)
- Intellectual Property
- Bitlaw, Copyright
- Bitlaw, Fair Use
- Bitlaw, Trademarks
- U.S. Copyright Office, Fair Use Index